Offers vary by location. Rates are variable and may change at any time after opening.

Perk up your savings with access and extras.

Ready access to your money

Spend straight from your account with available debit card and checks. Get six no-fee withdrawals each statement cycle.Disclosure 3

Optional overdraft protection

You can set up the Truist One Money Market Account as automatic backup in case you accidentally overdraft an existing Truist checking account.Disclosure 3 Excludes Truist Confidence.

Balance builds toward Truist One Checking perks

As our relationship grows, so do your perks. Money in your Truist One Money Market Account can help unlock extra perks in Truist One Checking.Disclosure 4

Ready to open your Truist One Money Market Account?

Step one

Tell us about yourself.

We’ll need some personal information to get your account started.

Make your first deposit.

Truist One Money Market Account has a $50 minimum opening deposit.

Savings calculator

This overview is not intended to be all-inclusive but is for illustrative purposes only. Individual results will vary based on client usage. For additional information, please refer to the Personal Deposit Accounts Fee Schedule.

This calculator is made available by one or more third party service providers. It is not intended to be an advertisement for a product or service at any of the terms used herein. It is not intended to offer any tax, legal, financial or investment advice. All examples are hypothetical and are for illustrative purposes. Truist Financial Corporation ("Truist") and its affiliates do not provide legal or tax advice. Truist cannot guarantee that the information provided is accurate, complete, or timely. Federal and state laws and regulations are complex and are subject to change. Changes in such laws and regulations may have a material impact on pre- and/or after-tax investment results. Truist makes no warranties with regard to this calculator or the results obtained by its use. Truist disclaims any liability arising out of your use of, or any tax position taken in reliance on, this calculator. Always consult an attorney or tax professional regarding your specific legal or tax situation.

Try the Truist mobile app.Disclosure 5

It’s where security meets convenience.

QR Code to open Apple or Google play app.

Download the Truist mobile app.Disclosure 5

Scan this code with your phone’s camera to download.

Check out Truist One Checking.Disclosure 4

  • No overdraft fees 
  • Practical perks
  • Automatic upgrades

Never wonder if you’re getting the most from your checking account.

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