Open an Checking account

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Cash to achieve your goals

Home Equity Line of Credit

Choice of fixed or variable ratesDisclosure 1, Disclosure 2

Interest paid potentially tax-deductibleDisclosure 3

Borrow up to 89% of your home's value

Simplify your finances

Personal Loans

$3,500 minimum loan amount*

Rates range from 8.45% to 17.29% APRDisclosure 4
Excellent credit required for lowest rate

No origination fees

*Minimum loan amount may vary in some states to comply with applicable law.

Flexible options

Auto loans

$3,500 minimum borrowing amountDisclosure 5

Up to 84-monthDisclosure 6 terms available

Rates range from 5.60% to 11.51% APR. Excellent credit required for lowest rateDisclosure 7

What’s to love about

Truist loans

  • Fast decisions

    Your loan officer will guide you on what's needed to help move along the approval process.Disclosure 8

  • Flexible monthly payments

    Design your loan to work within your budget, or to be paid off quickly.

  • Convenience, access, and service

    Need help? You'll find a lot of smiling faces in any of our 1,900+ branches.