Buying a home with confidence starts with having a solid savings plan. Our savings calculatorDisclosure 1 helps determine how much you need to put aside each month to meet your ultimate down payment goal. Spend some time with the calculator, and if you still need a hand with the math, our team is ready to help.

Use the savings calculator below to crunch the numbers and get an idea of what it takes to meet your down payment goal.

Calculate your savings goal.

We’re here to help.

Let us help you understand the numbers. Call us at 844-221-2988 to connect with a mortgage professional.

Do you really need 20% down?

Many home shoppers think it’s necessary to put 20% down on a home, but that’s not always the case. Paying less up front can help free up money for other important things. Follow these tips to help you decide.

Plan for homeownership.

Looking for more information to help you confidently land your new place? Our Planning for Homeownership guide (PDF) walks you through the process, showing you just how easy buying a home can be when you work with Truist Mortgage.

When you’re looking to buy a home, one of the most important factors in your decision is the monthly payment. To give you an idea of what your payments could look like each month, check out our easy-to-use mortgage payment calculator.Disclosure 1 With a little information, you can adjust the inputs to see how different variables impact your monthly investment.

Calculate your mortgage payment.

We’re here to help. 

Let us help you understand the numbers. Call us at 844-221-2988 to connect with a mortgage professional.

How much mortgage can you afford?

When working on a budget for your monthly payments, there are lots of factors to consider. Many people find it helpful to follow the 30% rule.

Plan for homeownership.

Looking for more information to help you confidently land your new place? Our Planning for Homeownership guide (PDF) walks you through the process, showing you just how easy buying a home can be when you work with Truist Mortgage.

It’s a question you may be asking yourself as you start thinking about homeownership. Certainly, either scenario has their own daily, monthly, and annual expenses, but ultimately it comes down to whether paying a mortgage or paying rent is best for you. Check out our easy-to-use calculator1 to help you with your decision. 

Compare buying vs. renting.

We’re here to help. 

Let us help you understand the numbers. Call us at 844-221-2988 to connect with a mortgage professional.

See if you’re ready to buy a new home.

Is buying the best option? This infographic will help you ask yourself the tough questions.

Plan for homeownership.

Looking for more information to help you confidently land your new place? Our Planning for Homeownership guide (PDF) walks you through the process, showing you just how easy buying a home can be when you work with Truist Mortgage.

Just as the names imply, a fixed rate doesn’t change, while an adjustable rate does. From a budgeting standpoint, fixed may give you the certainty you’re looking for each month, but from a cost standpoint, you may explore the adjustable rate that starts lower and could fluctuate up or down. Check out our easy-to-use calculatorDisclosure 1 to help make your decision on whether a fixed or adjustable rate is best.

Compare fixed vs. adjustable rates.

Did you know you can pay points with extra cash up front (e.g., points) to lower your rate for the life of your mortgage? You can – and it may be an option for you to consider. One point costs 1 percent of your mortgage amount (or $1,000 for every $100,000). What you’ll want to consider are the short- and long-term benefits to buying down your rate. Our easy-to-use calculator1 can help you determine if paying points is right for you.

Should you pay points to lower your rate?

Finding the right home—and making it yours—starts with a little inspiration and a lot of support.

A little wisdom goes a long way. 

The 30% rule: Your mortgage should be no more than 30% of your gross income.Disclosure 2

In Scotland, homeowners paint their front door red when they pay off their mortgage.Disclosure 3

Rent prices soared 9.2% in the first half of 2021, tripling the average pace and exceeding the pre-pandemic trend. Disclosure 4

Your home should tell the story of who you are and be a collection of what you love. – Nate Berkus

Curious how much you can borrow? Contact us for your free online mortgage preapproval.Disclosure 5

Questions? We’re here to help.

We’re available Monday through Friday, 8 am to 8 pm, and on Saturday, 9 am to 1 pm.

Find the digital tools and support you need on your homebuying journey.