Carefully selecting and incorporating KRIs appropriate to your industry—and business—into your risk management strategy can keep you ahead of potential problems. But it can also maximize risk management efficiency in ways that go beyond the foundational advantage of a reliable early-alert system. Here are three more benefits to consider.
Improved decision making: Studying the metrics that KRIs monitor doesn’t just help you anticipate and adjust risk management priorities to preempt threats. It also provides data on macroeconomic conditions, industry best practices, and operational efficiency that can help strengthen and streamline your strategic initiatives.
Enhanced performance monitoring: When you select and implement KRIs that align with your company’s circumstances, they allow you to track the performance of initiatives within your risk management plan. That way they can serve as performance indicators of your overall risk management strategy, even as they alert you to potential threats.
Strengthened resource allocation: Ranking KRIs by likelihood and potential magnitude of impact can give you a clearer picture of your company’s overall pool of resources for managing risk. This can increase your ability to reprioritize KRIs in the face of sudden shifts, maximize the efficiency of resource allocation, and help ensure an adaptive, cost-efficient risk management strategy that harmonizes with your current operations and future goals.
What’s the practical outcome of realizing KRI advantages like these? According to McKinsey & Company, roughly 75% of surveyed risk managers identified the benefits of integrating structured risk resilience tactics like KRIs as crucial to the improvement of risk culture in businesses of all types.Disclosure 3