Truist Trusteed Foundation Application Info

Application Information

Notification of Committee decision will be made by email following the meeting.

Application Deadline

Requests received between: Will be considered in:
August 1 and November 30 January
December 1 and March 31 May
April 1 and July 31 October

Online Grant Application Form Instructions

For your convenience, we are pleased to provide an online Grant Application Form for the Truist Trusteed Foundations. Only online applications are accepted. If your organization fits within the guidelines, we encourage you to begin an online grant application and submit it by one of the grant cycle deadlines detailed above.

Please note that the online application requires the following attachments:

Support Material:

When submitting your application, your organization’s 501(c)(3) status will automatically be verified by our online system, thereby eliminating the need for you to submit a copy of your organization’s 501(c)(3) federal tax exemption letter from the IRS.

However, if your organization is a 509(a)(3) supporting organization, you must include a letter from your Chairman, Executive Director or legal counsel with the following information:

  • Whether your organization is a Type I, II or III supporting organization and the name of the supported organization(s); and
  • If your organization is a Type III supporting organization, confirmation that your organization is functionally integrated with the supported organization(s);
  • List of your organization’s Board of Directors and their affiliations.

Financial Information:

Please attach the following and the corresponding dates that each document covers:

  • Your organization’s current Annual Operating Budget
  • Your organization’s projected Operating Budget for the coming year
  • A current Expense Budget for the project or program for which your organization is seeking support

Good to know

Only one application form is needed to apply to all six foundations. Each proposal submitted is automatically considered for funding from the Truist Trusteed Foundations.

For inquiries please contact Sofia Bork Aun at

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Please note: separate applications must be completed for the Truist Trusteed Foundations and for the Truist Foundation.
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