These foundations do not accept unsolicited grant applications from outside metropolitan Atlanta unless an organization has
been specifically named by the donor as an eligible recipient.
Community benefit and return on investment are primary considerations in distribution decisions.
The Trustee will consider requests for capital improvements such as buildings, furniture and equipment, and alterations to
existing structures. Applications also will be considered for special projects or "one-time"
needs of a financial well-being or community nature and pilot programs, which do not commit
the funds to recurring expenditures.
Grants from the foundations are made by the Distribution Committee to non-profit metropolitan Atlanta organizations that are fiscally sound and serve important needs in the community.
These foundations will not consider requests for general operating support such as salaries, maintenance, and debt service,
or requests by political organizations, churches or individuals. Usually grants will be made
only to organizations with records of successful operation, without a deficit for at least
a year.
Other Distribution Committee considerations include:
Emphasis on metropolitan Atlanta
Organization/community coordination and support
Timeliness and precedence
Organization management and governance
Grant multiplier effect
Human value and self-help emphasis
Ultimate benefit to the community
Financial management
Implementation of a Strategic Plan